US News


A Manhattan jury begins deliberating today in an unusual drug-dealing trial against a bodybuilding, nude-dancing, porn-acting ex-firefighter whose name turned up as the addressee on a $350,000 steroid shipment from China.

Ex-firefighter Rodney St. Cloud – who posed as “Mr. April” in the official FDNY 2004 calendar – says he never touched the five-pound box, which officials intercepted last year and then delivered, posing as mailmen, to the midtown office of St. Cloud’s wife.

There is only one reason a Chinese lab would mail out 20,000 illegal steroid pills to St. Cloud, Manhattan prosecutors argued yesterday – and that’s because the firefighter had ordered and paid for them.

St. Cloud, 31, is arguing that prosecutors have been unable to prove he ever ordered or paid for the drugs, let alone ever possessed the toaster-oven-sized box.

His lawyer, Ronald Kliegerman, said two cops committed perjury when they quoted St. Cloud as saying the drugs were his.