US News


A Rhode Island man who propositioned an undercover cop was serious when he offered her something beefy, police said.

Wayne Glaude had no cash, so he offered to trade a steak for sex, said Woonsocket cops.

“He didn’t have any money, and had a couple of nice T-bones sitting at home,” said Detective Capt. Luke Gallant.

Glaude, 22, who works for a food company, was charged with soliciting from a motor vehicle.


Two Florida sisters say the “M” in new M-azing candy bars stands for “maggot.”

Monica Castanheeira said she was watching videos with her sister Renee when she took a bite of the chocolate bar and felt something moving in her mouth.

The sisters said they both found maggots in their chocolate bars and were so sickened they had to go to the emergency room.


Police trying to calm a Seattle man who was threatening to jump off a bridge wound up shooting him.

The unidentified man, in his 20s, was taken to a hospital in serious condition Friday.

He had tried to jump off the First Avenue South Bridge and end his life in the Duwamish river at least twice before.

Police spokeswoman Debra Brown says officers were trying to calm the man when they struggled and shots were fired.


Can folk music soothe road rage?

Cops in Greece are giving away free folk music CDs in an effort to calm drivers before the annual Orthodox Easter exodus.

The feel-good music is being distributed with copies of the highway code, maps and a message wishing commuters a happy Easter.


There’s nothing like a soothing foot massage – but a Hong Kong woman found that even something that feels good has to come to an end.

The woman, 44, was 15 minutes into a massage when she realized her foot was stuck in the massage machine.

Store workers spent 30 minutes trying to free her but eventually had to call firefighters, who managed to dismantle the machine.