

ABC anchor Peter Jennings, who’s battling lung cancer, sent a heartfelt thank-you to friends and colleagues yesterday for all their support.

In an e-mail posted on ABCnews.com, Jennings, who’s undergoing chemotherapy treatment, said he attempted to go to his ABC office yesterday.

“I got as far as the bedroom door. Chemo strikes,” he wrote in the e-mail, parts of which were read on yesterday’s “World News Tonight.”

“I assume there are a few others out there who, like me, are going with the flow until the day gets better.

“Thousands of you have spoiled me rotten with your attention in the last couple of weeks,” Jennings wrote.

“Whether you have a cancer connection or not, your anecdotes, mementos, home recipes, and general all-purpose guidance and concern have all been so deeply appreciated.

“I hope you know.”

Jennings, 66, announced April 5 that he was diagnosed with lung cancer. He hasn’t anchored “WNT” since April 1.

“So many experiences have meant something special,” Jennings wrote. “A woman in my building, who is a cancer survivor, showed up at our front door so that we could see that bald really is beautiful.

“She’s right.”

Jennings plans on returning to the “World News Tonight” anchor desk when he’s feeling better.