US News


They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but 17-year-old Brooklyn photographer Kathleen Ching cashed her snapshots in for a cool $10,000.

The Abraham Lincoln HS senior was one of two students in the country to win top photo honors and a whole lotta green toward college in the annual Scholastic Art & Writing Awards scholarship competition.

“I was like, ‘Yes, I have money for college!’ ” said Ching, who is deciding between New York University and the School of Visual Arts.

Another city student grabbing a $10,000 prize was Richard Prins, an 18-year-old senior at the private Trinity School in Manhattan, who was one of five to win for writing.

Ching and Prins will go down in the annals alongside other notable Scholastic winners, such as novelists Truman Capote and Joyce Carol Oates, actor/filmmaker Robert Redford and artist Andy Warhol.

Prins, who will enter Columbia University this fall to study creative writing, said he’s not intimidated by the literary giants who came before him.

“I’m completely devoted to writing, and I know that it will be my career,” he said. “Expressing myself in words is the central action of my life.”

Ching and Prins will be honored along with 10 other winners on June 2 at Carnegie Hall.