


Tlady of the week is Marni,a beautiful 37-year-old attorney who describes herself as a “dynamic,confident woman.”

She goes on to say that she ‘s “intelligent but silly,fun-loving,but determined;and unpretentious,yet highly particular about certain things.” When she ‘s not working, this energetic woman enjoys playing on various sports teams,read-

ing,and socializing.

Marni looks for men who are “fairly tall,confident,with a good sense of humor – and preferably a full head of hair!” Being nosy,,we asked Marni to share her worst date ever with us,and she was happy to oblige.

“I was meeting a blind date at dinnertime.By the time I arrived, on time,he had already eaten.I went ahead and ordered dinner, and he had a drink.During dinner, he unloaded all of his personal and professional problems.When the check came,he had no money on him.I paid the bill,and he asked if I ‘d like to go out with him again.

Oy vey!”

Of the New York dating scene in general,she says,”When it rains,it pours;otherwise,it ‘s like the Sahara!Still,I ‘ve found that the more you do,the more people you meet.”

Meet the three men Marni has to choose from – and be sure to get The Post next week to find out which guy she selected,and how the big date went.And if you think you ‘d like to get involved in the Meet Market fun,go to


REY, 37, accountant

What do you like to do when you ‘re not working?

Going to Central Park,and the beach in the summer.Going to the gym,eating at different restaurants and going for long Sunday drives anywhere outside the city.

How would you describe yourself?

I ‘m smart,funny,easygoing,and I have a great sense of humor.

What three things can you not live without?

iPod,sunshine and a toothbrush.

What ‘s sexy?

I like a woman who is independent,smart,funny and has a great sense of humor.

What has your dating experience been like?

So far,it hasn ‘t been too bad.But in general,I just haven ‘t really found anyone who is looking for a long-term

relationship.Most of the women I have dated,in the end,are not looking for commitment.

If your life had a soundtrack,what would be playing?

Bob Marley ‘s greatest hits, including “Stir It Up.”

We ‘re buying.What are you drinking? I ‘ll have a vodka and cranberry.

TED, 34, teacher

What do you like to do when you ‘re not working? I enjoy playing the guitar,reading,traveling,and spending time with friends.

How would you describe yourself? I ‘m laid-back,smart,and have a good sense of humor.

What do you think of the New York dating scene? There are a lot of women out there,but it ‘s pretty hard to meet somebody you really connect with.

What was your worst date ever? I went on a date with a woman who had one too many glasses of wine over dinner.She ended up vomiting all over the back seat of a taxi on our way to a nightclub.

What would be your ideal date? Dinner at an intimate restaurant, possibly sushi,followed by an evening of wine and jazz at Café Carlyle on the Upper East Side.

If your life had a soundtrack,what would be playing? “Pressing On,” by Bob Dylan.

BRUNO, 40, food service manager

What do you like to do when you ‘re not working? Rollerblading,cooking,going to events, trying new wine bars,basically anything – as long as I ‘m not sitting in front of a TV.

How would you describe yourself? I ‘m a shy,down-to-earth guy with a generally adventurous spirit.

What are you looking for in a woman? Since I tend to be somewhat shy,I enjoy the company of extroverted women.I like a woman who is real – and who hasn ‘t lost her sense of wonder.

What ‘s sexy? A beautiful smile,a happy laugh,accents,and an excellent meal paired with interesting conversation.

What ‘s not sexy? Bad manners,cursing like a drunken sailor,and anyone who lacks a desire to learn something new.

What makes you a good catch? I have a job and all my front teeth.I ‘m also a nice guy who likes to laugh and tries to enjoy life as best I can.I ‘m no couch potato!

What animal do you most resemble,and why? I ‘d have to say a mouse …a cute one.