US News


Centuries-old traditions are guiding events surrounding the death of Pope John Paul II and the election of his successor – but some election rules were changed by John Paul himself.

By tradition, the head of the College of Cardinals – the camerlengo, or chamberlain – verifies the pope’s death by tapping his head gently three times with a golden hammer and calling him three times by his given name. If there’s no reply, the death is confirmed.

The current chamberlain is Eduardo Martínez Somalo of Spain, who has held the post since 1993.

Next, the chamberlain authorizes a death certificate, and the pope’s death is made public.

One of the chamberlain’s first tasks is removing the Fisherman’s Ring, which contains the pope’s official seal. The chamberlain must cut the ring in two in the presence of other cardinals, and the seals the pope uses to imprint documents and letters are defaced so they may not be used again.

Next, the pope’s body lies in state in the Vatican “to be exposed for the homage of the faithful.” He must be buried “between the fourth and sixth day after death,” unless “special reasons” dictate otherwise. Funeral rites are said for him daily until nine days after he dies.

Fifteen to 20 days after the pope’s death, the cardinals will be sequestered in the Vatican for a meeting to choose a successor in a convention known as a conclave.

Strict secrecy is to be maintained. The cardinals are barred from any communication with anyone outside the Vatican and are not allowed to read newspapers or listen to radio or TV.

All cardinals may participate in the talks, but only those under the age of 80 can vote in the formal election, which is held in the Sistine Chapel.

Traditionally, a new pope must have the approval of two-thirds of the cardinals eligible to vote. But among the changes John Paul imposed on the system is a provision saying that if after 12 or 13 days no candidate gets two-thirds of the vote, a pope can be elected by simple majority.