US News


A Latino food worker at Yankee Stadium slammed the Bronx Bombers with a discrimination suit yesterday – claiming that less-qualified white employees are given the higher-paid jobs in coveted suites, restaurants and lounges.

Valentino Sexto Lopez charged the racism even extended to Yankee boss George Steinbrenner.

The suit, filed in Manhattan federal court, claims Steinbrenner told food and souvenir vendor VSA that he “didn’t want his high-profile guests seeing nonwhite girls selling souvenirs.”

Yankee spokesman Howard Rubenstein denied Steinbrenner said any such thing, calling the accusation “outrageous and despicable.”

Lopez charged that whites were given the higher-paid bartender and waiter jobs in the “members-only” clubs, where they receive substantially higher tips from well-to-do customers.

These areas include The Yankee Club, Great Moments, The Stadium Club/Lounge and the Pinstripe Club. The suit also lists Yankee vendors Centerplate, Volume Services and America Holdings Inc. and two chief food managers as defendants.

It further claims that whites are given most of the managerial jobs, such as captains and maitres d’.

Lopez claimed he trained white workers, who were then promoted over him. He said he was a busboy and “occasional waiter” for much of his employment.

He also said he was passed over for an accounting job in favor of a less-qualified, 21-year-old white man.

Lopez said he finally was promoted to bartender in September 2002, but only after he filed a discrimination complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.