US News


An idiot bank robber with an imaginary revolver who hit the same Brooklyn bank three times was busted yesterday after two clerks spotted him.

Police busted Edmond Graham, 53, of Lewis Avenue, who had made the Washington Mutual Bank on DeKalb Avenue his second home – and allegedly robbed it three times.

In the first holdup on Feb. 25, Graham walked into the bank and passed a scrawled and confusing note to a teller that read “Pass money he has a gun and I’ll shoot.” He got away with $543 without producing a gun.

At around noon on March 14, police say a gun-less Graham returned with another note, and netted $1,150.

Police say that on Tuesday, the third time wasn’t the charm. Bank workers recognized him, police were called, and Graham was arrested.

He was released on his own recognizance the next day.