

TAMPA – With their universe absorbing verbal grenades launched by the Red Sox, the Yankees are saving their ammunition for the diamond. Even Commander-In-Chief George Steinbrenner, a big fan of George Patton’s and who said last spring that Bosox owner John Henry resembled the Scarecrow from the Wizard of Oz, is avoiding retaliation.

In his first appearance at Yankee camp yesterday, Steinbrenner greeted his biggest weapon, Randy Johnson, and parroted his players and Joe Torre when it came to the abuse aimed at Alex Rodriguez by Curt Schilling, Trot Nixon and David Wells and Wells scuffing Joe Torre and Mel Stottlemyre.

“We will play the game on the field,” Steinbrenner vowed in response to A-Rod being criticized by the defending World Champions.

Until April 3, the first of 19 regular-season games between the blood rivals, there are two spring training games. So expect more harsh words to flow from the Red Sox camp since they have a fascination for trashing the Yankees from atop the World Series trophy.

Steinbrenner arrived at Legends Field after the second spring workout was complete, so he didn’t see any of the activity or chat with Torre. He did get to greet Johnson at his locker where The Boss sounded and looked like a proud parent. Especially when he noticed a lack of scruff on Johnson’s face south of his lower lip that helped Johnson greet the Boss with a “Hi, Mr. Steinbrenner.”

“Glad to see you are cleaned up and glad you are here,” The Boss said as he slapped Johnson, the Yankees’ Opening Day starter, on the left shoulder.

According to Johnson, it was the first time he saw Steinbrenner since shortly after Luis Gonzalez’ broken bat single off Mariano Rivera lifted the Diamondbacks to a Game 7 World Series victory in 2001.

“I always liked him when he pitched against us in Seattle,” The Boss said. “He is a gamer and a hell of a pitcher.”

For Steinbrenner, the short sentences were more than he has said in months. Why so quiet?

“I haven’t got anything to say,” said Steinbrenner, who looked healthy and walked with his usual swagger.

As for joining the fiercest rivalry in sports, Johnson said he wouldn’t get more jacked for the Red Sox than any other team. And that was the reaction from other Yankees.

“I could care less, to be honest with you,” captain Derek Jeter said of the Red Sox assaults, including Wells’ saying Torre never liked him and he had run-ins with pitching coach Mel Stottlemyre. “As long as I have been here we haven’t talked a lot.”

Jeter explained that he isn’t Wells’ enemy.

“I have no problem with Boomer,” Jeter said. “Me and Boomer get along great. He sent me a Christmas card. Me and Boomer are friends.”

Jorge Posada, Wells’ battery mate, wasn’t shocked that Wells would fire salvos from his new camp.

“Nothing surprises me that comes out of his mouth,” Posada said.

And this from Rivera: “Wells is Wells, everybody knows that.”

Torre didn’t understand why Wells believes he wore out his welcome in The Bronx.

“I don’t understand that,” Torre said. “I don’t think you agree with everything everybody does. That’s the nature of what we do. I don’t know where that comes from. I think the fact that he left and came back should answer the question.”

Stottlemyre smiled through a “No comment” before somewhat addressing the issue.

“Boomer likes to play games and I don’t want to get into that,” Stottlemyre said. “The only thing I got out of it is that he is mad he is not here.”


The Bombers on Boomer

“I could care less, to be honest with you … I have no problem with Boomer.”

– Derek Jeter

“Nothing surprises me that comes out of his mouth.”

– Jorge Posada

“I don’t think you agree with everything everybody does. That’s the nature of what we do.”

– Joe Torre