US News


LOS ANGELES – Prosecutors have subpoenaed former child star Corey Feldman, in hopes the one- time Michael Jackson playmate will dish more dirt on the embattled King of Pop, the actor’s manager said yesterday.

Feldman, 33, has consistently claimed for more than a decade that Jackson never touched him inappropriately. But the actor recently admitted Jackson once showed him photos of naked men and women.

In an ABC “20/20” interview, Feldman claimed that when he was a teenager in the 1980s, Jackson showed him pictures of male and female genitalia in an oddball sex-ed discussion.

Feldman interviewed with ABC’s Martin Bashir about two weeks ago and Santa Barbara County prosecutors dropped a subpoena on him last week, the actor’s manager, Scott Carlson, said. The one-time child star said he never expected the “20/20” interview to get so much attention.

“We’re pretty surprised,” Carlson said. “I guess they’re subpoenaing anyone who they think or hope might have anything to say.”