

Not sure which way an arbitration hearing would go the Yankees decided not to proceed with a plan to void the remaining $82 million on Jason Giambi’s contract after his BALCO grand jury was leaked to the San Francisco Chronicle in which he admitted using steroids.

That, more than any language in the seven-year deal worth $120 million and Giambi telling the Yankees two weeks ago that he is truly sorry for what he has done, is why they didn’t push the issue.

According to a published report yesterday, the Yankees gave into a request by Giambi that the Yankees delete all references to steroids from the guarantee language in the contract.

Club officials say that’s incorrect.

“It was unfortunately inaccurate,” said GM Brian Cashman. “To imply that we turned a blind eye and go forward, that’s preposterous.”

Other club officials echoes those thoughts.

“We didn’t take out the word steroids as the only change, there were many changes,” Lonn Trost, Yankee V.P. and C.O.O., said yesterday. “But more importantly there was a word – steroids – in there but we took it out because we thought we got better protection.”That’s because the contract reads that any type of abuse of an illegal substance, alcohol abuse or other chemical abuse or dependency could be grounds for the deal being terminated or converted from guaranteed money to non-guaranteed money. According to the federal government, anabolic steroid is a chemical.

Giambi on Thursday apologized to Yankee fans, teammates, club officials for what he labeled “distractions.” Since legal issues (his contract among them), Giambi never used the word steroids but it was clear Giambi was talking about them.

Trost bristled at the belief the Yankees turned their heads on the issue when negotiating the contract.

“Quite the contrary, we not only feel we are protected, we expanded and made it broader,” Trost said.

According to club president Randy Levine, the Yankees weren’t aware of Giambi’s steroid use when they signed him after the 2001 season.

“No one with the Yankees had any idea Jason Giambi used steroids,” Levine said.

Two weeks ago Giambi made enough of an impression on GM Brian Cashman, Levine and Trost to get a second chance. An apologetic phone call to George Steinbrenner was part of the meeting and made in front of the three executives.

“He told us he made serious mistakes. We told him we expected him to comport himself like all Yankee players and at this point we would give him the benefit of the doubt and give him a second chance,” Levine said.

“He told us he blew it and made mistakes,” Trost recalled.

It’s safe to assume that Giambi will be watched very closely by the Yankees. Supposedly he has cut way back on his partying this winter to rebuild his body, which has added 10 pounds of muscle from last year. There are some Yankee officials who have worried the out-going Giambi’s lifestyle has extracted a toll.

Agent Arn Tellem, who negotiated the second largest contract in Yankee history, refused to discuss the issue.

“I am not going to comment on Jason’s contract, that’s between Jason and the Yankees,” Tellem said. “I have had a great working relationship with the Yankees. We are on one page working together to get Jason back and be a major contributor to get the Yankees back to the World Series. The Yankees have been an incredible supporter of Jason’s through tough times.”

MLB executive VP Rob Manfred also declined comment on the story but explained that changes in contracts are routine during negotiations.

“It happens all the time,” Manfred said. “We give advice as does the union. We have a different view than the union about special [clauses]. It’s not like it’s standard language.”