US News


In the corniest story of the day, a 10-year-old boy in Pennsylvania has set a new national record for selling the most popcorn for the Cub Scouts – some 10 tons of it.

Ryan Cenk, of Richland Township, sold $25,006 worth of popcorn, blowing away the previous Scouts record of $20,000.

Just in case you’re wondering, 20,000 pounds of popcorn would fill two tractor-trailer trucks.

It’s raining hens! Plucked, frozen chickens are falling from the sky over an Australian suburb – and nobody knows where they’re coming from.

“It’s been known to rain fish, frogs and even chickens – but that is after they’re sucked up by a cyclone or tornado,” said a science professor, John O’Connor.

He said one possibility is that pranksters are using a giant slingshot to launch the birds in the New South Wales community of Fletcher.

A Dutchman sick of noise from the Irish pub next door nailed the doors shut, drilled a hole in the wall and used a garden hose to flood it.

And Tom van den Belt says he’ll set off a stink bomb next if the late-night parties continue at Murphy’s Pub in the town of Deventer.

“We want to be able to sleep, and have now declared war,” he said.

Soon-to-be-wed Sonia Wilde plans to thank her bridesmaid – with dog biscuits.

That’s because the bridesmaid is her pet pooch, Lucy, who’ll wear a special dress for the occasion in Stockport, England.

“I can’t think of anybody else I would rather have as bridesmaid,” said Wilde.

“Lucy’s my best friend, and you want the people you love by your side on the big day.”

Sure, Sonia, but does the groom know about this?

The German postal service is still delivering mail for Adolf Hitler, even though the Nazi dictator has been dead for almost 60 years.

The most recent delivery was a postcard addressed to “Fuehrer Adolf Hitler, Reichstag, German Parliament, Berlin, Germany,” which arrived from an undisclosed location in England.