Walt Disney Co. boss Michael Eisner disparaged Pixar’s “Finding Nemo” before it became one of the most successful animated films of all time, according to a revealing new book.

Eisner predicted the movie would break Pixar’s blockbuster streak – even though Disney stood to reap 50 percent of the profits for distributing the film – because he was jealous and resentful of Pixar’s success, according to the book by James B. Stewart.

“Yesterday, we saw for the second time the new Pixar movie ‘Finding Nemo’ that comes out next May,” Eisner wrote in a memo to Disney’s board. “This will be a reality check for those guys. It’s OK, but nowhere near as good as their previous films.

“Of course, they think it’s great,” Eisner added. “Trust me, it’s not, but it will open.”

A source close to Disney defended Eisner, saying he wrote the memo based on an earlier version of the film before it was completed.

The enormous success of “Nemo,” with a worldwide box office approaching $1 billion, helped boost Disney’s studio revenues to a record $3 billion in 2003.

It also gave Pixar’s chairman, Steve Jobs, added leverage in his negotiations to extend the profitable partnership with Disney.

The release of “DisneyWar” has roiled the Mouse House with embarrassing anecdotes detailing Eisner’s high-profile breakups with key partners like Jobs’ Pixar as well as Miramax film studio, run by the Weinstein brothers.

“We remain focused on excellent results, performance and a bright future, not on a one-sided depiction of past events largely told through the eyes of those with a clear bias and personal agendas,” Disney said in a prepared statement.

The book describes how Eisner grew increasingly irritated with Jobs and his refusal to extend their agreement on terms acceptable to Disney.

Later, the frayed relations between the two men would result in Jobs abruptly calling off negotiations.

Before talks over Pixar reached the breaking point, according to the book, Eisner had managed to anger Jobs, who also heads Apple Computer. When confronted, Eisner claimed he hadn’t said anything about Apple.

Trashing Nemo

Disney CEO Michael Eisner bad-mouthed “Finding Nemo” – made by partner Pixar – before its release, a new book says. The movie became the highest grossing animated film – ever.

‘They think it’s great. Trust me, it’s not.’

– Eisner on Pixar’s view of “Finding Nemo”

Nemo’s numbers:

* Production costs: $94M

* Total U.S. gross: $339.7M

* Worldwide gross: $844.4M

* DVD sales: $320.4M