

PHOENIX – James Dolan has larger issues on his mind than the Knicks’ season-wrecking 35-day rut or landing Phil Jackson.

Acknowledging the uncertainty at Cablevision, Dolan was less than firm on whether he will remain Knicks owner and the Garden’s chairman for the next several years.

It is the first time Dolan has ever opened the door to the possibility of his removal of power over the Knicks and Rangers. Reports are rampant about a falling out between himself and his father, Cablevision chairman Charles Dolan.

Late Friday night in Sacramento, in his first public comments this season, Dolan was asked if he expected to remain at his post for the next several years.

“Now that’s a really good question,” he said. “As far as I know, I’m going to be. Do you ever read the rest of the newspaper you write for? It’s called the business section. If you read that, the company is clearly going through changes. (But) I know of no plan to change the ownership for the Knicks or change my position at the Garden. I would have something to say about it if we did.”

While Knick fans may rejoice over the thought of Dolan’s removal, he has made sure Cablevision never scrimped on the Knicks, whose payroll is the league’s highest at $103.6 million. However, Dolan’s teams have done nothing but lose.

Meanwhile, Dolan said he’s ready to break the bank to procure Jackson, so other teams beware. Dolan indicated and a source confirmed the Knicks have made preliminary contact with Jackson’s reps.

“It’s Isiah’s decision,” Dolan said. “Does he have the resources and support if he wanted to do a contract with Phil Jackson? Yes, he would. He will not be limited by the resources.”

Dolan says they’ve got a “better chance” landing Jackson because of Thomas’ presence. “I’m pretty sure Phil Jackson would not work for me if I was president of the Knicks,” Dolan said. “He wouldn’t want somebody as dumb about basketball as me. We have a better chance with Isiah.”

Appearing resigned, Dolan made no bold playoff predictions.

“[Isiah’s] made it clear to me we’re in a situation where I should not expect a run at the championship this year,” Dolan said. “So far he’s been real correct about that. We have to be patient. He said [in preseason], ‘I know everyone’s high on the team now but you have to understand it’s a building process.'”