US News


The Queens DA’s Office has launched an investigation into the election of Jimmy Meng, a Flushing businessman who became the state’s first Asian-American Assembly member in November, The Post has learned.

The probe comes after city election officials disqualified 160 Asian voters in Meng’s district for claiming they lived at nonresidential addresses, including a Roosevelt Avenue book store Meng owns, empty lots and a sneaker shop.

On Dec. 21, the elections board then requested an investigation by Queens DA Richard Brown, forwarding him an eight-page list of the voters it tossed off the books.

Meng upset incumbent Barry Grodenchik by 566 votes in a Sept. 14 Democratic primary, then crushed a Republican opponent with 70 percent of the vote.

His primary win can’t be overturned because Meng’s margin of victory was greater than the number of disqualified voters.

But Meng could lose his seat if prosecutors find voter fraud and determine he was behind it.

“I don’t think anything can be done about the election now, but any public official charged with a felony would face dismissal,” said board spokesman Christopher Riley.

Meng, 61, a Taiwanese immigrant and lumber-store owner, could not be reached for comment.