

Hoping for Movie Magic

Last week we paired up Adrienne, a 27-year-old product development manager, and Ethan, a 28-year-old music executive, and sent them off for dinner and a movie. Dinner took place at Le Zinc, a cozy little French bistro on Duane Street that we thought would be a perfect spot for a first date. And the movie? Well, it wasn’t just any movie, of course. No, this is a dating column, so we asked our happy couple to go see “Kinsey,” in which Liam Neeson plays the famed sexologist Alfred Kinsey. We thought that would get things off on a suitably provocative note. Were we right? Read on to find out …

He said:

I was a little early for the movie, despite the snow, but Adrienne was already there. I recognized her right away – I kind of have a knack for remembering faces, I guess you could say. She looked pretty cute in the picture, but I thought she was even more attractive in person – and I told her so later on at dinner. I think she appreciated that, and thankfully she took it the right way.

In fact, now that I think about it, she said the same about me.

I thought “Kinsey” was a solid choice for a first date movie. Liam Neeson and Laura Linney were great as always, although I think we both agreed that it was a bit overrated in terms of all the critical acclaim its been receiving lately. I got the impression that we are both pretty liberal-minded, so I’m relatively confident that neither of us were embarrassed by the movie. I suggested that she see “Sideways” soon, since she hadn’t seen it yet. I thought that was a great film.

I had a really nice time at dinner. The conversation was very good – if anything, we had too much to talk about. We seemed to have a lot of things in common.

We both agreed that the food at Le Zinc was really good. I’m a foodie, so I knew that the owners, Karen and David Waltuck, were the same owners as Chanterelle – one of New York’s best restaurants. I would say that the appetizers were the highlight; Adrienne had butternut squash soup, and I had a mixed green salad with goat cheese and roasted beets. For our entrees, Adrienne had a scallop dish and I had seared duck. We ordered a really interesting bottle of red Burgundy to go with it. Instead of ordering dessert, we both had another glass of wine – another French red.

Our conversation covered a lot of ground. My jealousy regarding her extensive traveling was definitely a topic! We chatted about music – and I actually gave her a CD that I thought she would dig.

After dinner, it was starting to get late (we’d closed the place down!) so we decided to head home. She gave me a kiss on the cheek and handed me her card because she couldn’t put my e-mail in her phone – at least not on the fly like that. I generally don’t like to assume much after just one date, but I decided to take the card as a sign that she might be interested in going out again soon. I’d be up for that, too – hopefully. I had a nice time, and would like to see Adrienne again if she’s interested.

Rating: three hearts

She said:

Ethan looked just like his picture, so I noticed him when he walked up to the movie theater – except he didn’t smile in his picture in the paper. When I finally saw his warm smile, I definitely thought that was an improvement. He was much taller than I thought he would be, and conversation was instantaneous, and didn’t ever feel awkward. Did I think he was attractive? Sure.

I have been on a blind date before, but this was definitely different since we both knew it would be written about. But I just tried not to think about it. Ethan picked up the tickets, and we went into the movie like any normal couple on a first date.

The film was great, very funny. And I didn’t look at my watch once, which is usually a sign of a good movie. Someone in the audience found it hysterical, and was laughing at strange parts, which we found funny as well.

Le Zinc was great. I couldn’t decide on what I wanted for dinner, because there were so many fabulous choices. I liked it so much that I even recommended it to my friend for a Valentine’s dinner!

We definitely had a lot to talk about. Since he works in the music business, he knew the name of the artist of almost every song the restaurant was playing. I thought that was cool. He asks a lot of questions – but so do I, so conversation was very easy.

I discovered that Ethan is a very smart, cultured guy. I also totally respect the fact he had started down one career path realized it wasn’t what he really loved, so he quit, and pursued what he really wanted to do. That’s bravery.

I have to say, though, that I just didn’t get that romantic feeling. I wasn’t nervous – if I have an attraction to someone I get a little nervous, butterflies, that sort of thing. It’s not that I have a “type” like “the bad boy,” or “the intellectual.”

We got along great, and Ethan was a fabulous date. There may not have been an instant spark, but I’d be interested in getting to know Ethan better as a friend before deciding if he’d be someone Iwanted to date. I’m definitely up for hanging out with him again.

Rating: two and one half stars


Adrienne 70%

Kim 15%

Rachael 15%

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