


MEET Ethan, a 28-year old foodie who describes himself as “3/4 grounded, and 1/4 neurotic Jewish guy from Brooklyn.”

Ethan’s in the music industry, so suffice it to say that music plays a big part in his life – in his spare time, he enjoys going to live concerts. That is, of course, when he’s not dining at restaurants or “watching the Mets and Knicks lose.” When we asked him what song and lyrics would be on his life soundtrack, he was tough to pin down, “About half of my collection is comprised of jazz and instrumental music, so there probably wouldn’t be any lyrics. Music is expressive enough.”

He doesn’t have much to complain about in the dating department, and tells us that he generally has “pretty solid” first dates. For him, a great debut date would involve – what else? – a long dinner at a grade-A New York restaurant, with interesting, diverse conversation on the menu. “I have a lot to say about a lot of things,” he assures us.

He’s on the lookout for women who have a combination of intelligence, confidence, humility and, of course, a “sense of humor and good looks.”

Meet the three women has to choose from, and be sure to read The Post next week to find out how the big date went.

And if you think you’d like to participate in Meet Market, visit nypost.com/dating to sign up.

Rachel, 26, marketing assistant

What do you like to do when you’re not working? I’m a huge theater fan, so I love going to plays or musicals. I also enjoy reading, baking, going to the movies and having conversations about obscure, pointless things with my friends.

What are you looking for in a relationship? Someone who is easygoing, funny, intelligent, honest and kind. I really just want someone who doesn’t like to play relationship games anymore.

What was your worst date ever? It took place at a pizza parlor, with a guy who barely spoke, wore his sunglasses at all times (indoors and out) and just kept staring at me over the top of his shades. Creepy!

What animal do you most resemble, and why? Probably one of my cats. They like to think that they are sexy and mysterious, but they’re really just clumsy and awfully cute.

Adrienne, 27, product development

How would you describe yourself? I’d say I’m charismatic, friendly and witty. I also love sarcastic banter.

What was your worst date ever? Is there a word limit to this? Well, I went out with a guy who had just moved to New York City. He hated everything about it. Then, we went to dinner and he said he didn’t want to drink – “too many calories!” – but then proceeded to eat a loaf of bread and fettuccine Alfredo with shrimp. He ended up getting really sick, and our table was right near the bathroom. There was just one, unisex bathroom – and he spent a half-hour in there. Other customers were banging on the door.

OK, now what about your best date? A first date where we sat in my backyard on a summer day and spent four hours with cold beers and great conversation.

What do you like to do when you’re not working? I love New York City. I travel a lot, too. In the summer, I’m at the beach almost every weekend – I grew up in Westhampton Beach … an actual local, I like to do the unpretentious Hamptons thing.

Kim, 31, network coordinator

How would you describe yourself? I’m an outgoing person who likes to have fun and is open to doing, or trying, anything new. I’m a laid-back woman who enjoys the company of someone who can take a joke.

What has your dating history been like? I’m pretty picky with men – I’m taking my time to find the right person. The majority of my past relationships have been with Irish or Italian men. There is just something sexy about them.

What’s not sexy? Hairy men, tighty-whitey underwear, and men who have no car and live with their mom.

What do you like to do when you’re not working? Going to old black-and-white films, hanging out with friends, going to plays and great restaurants.

What was your worst date ever? My date picked me up, and said that he needed to make a quick stop at his house. He invited me in for a drink, and the next thing I knew, he was completely undressed and is sitting next to me casually sipping his drink. Needless to say, that was the end of the date.