

They’re going to ‘Pieces’

HERE at Meet Market, we felt that with the arrival of the New Year, we needed to shake things up a bit. So when Chris picked Kristie as his date last week, we decided to send them not just to one of our favorite midtown restaurants – Etcetera Etcetera on West 44th Street, but we sent them to see a play first.

And not just any play. We just couldn’t resist finding out what effect sending a couple of blind daters to go and see “Pieces (of Ass)” would have. The show features gorgeous women talking about sex and the laws of attraction.

The results? Read on to find out.

SHE SAID:When I got to the theater, Chris was already there. My first reaction was that he seemed like a very nice guy. I really had no idea how old he was, where he was from or what he did. So, as we waited to go into the show, we discussed all that stuff for 20 minutes or so, and got that out of the way. He grew up in New York state in a town of 200 near Amish land, and I grew up in a town of 35,000 – so there were a few differences there. He seemed very mature.

I am not a shy person, and he wasn’t either. He made a few jokes and was generally being very entertaining. He is a really good conversationalist.The show was really, really funny. I didn’t know if the humor was quite Chris’ style, but I though it was great. And I have to recommend it as a date activity; it’s a good icebreaker because it talks about sex right away.

I actually go to the theater quite a lot – I am a singer, so it is kind of my field, and the last show I saw was “Brooklyn” – but this was the first non-musical I have seen in quite a while.

Anyway, the play was awesome. It was basically 10 or 12 women telling their true stories about men – the way men see women, and how women feel about their looks.

All the characters are very different. One is a plus-size model. Another says that women can’t sleep around because they are called sluts. But each story was about how sex is affected by looks. I thought it was a great thing to see on a first date. There might have been people who had found it inappropriate, but I didn’t and Chris didn’t – although I think afterwards we were both a bit like, “Well, that was an interesting choice by the New York Post!”Even though it was pouring rain, we walked to Etcetera Etcetera afterwards because it was just a few blocks away. As we walked, he got soaked. I had an umbrella but it was tiny, and I was going to share it, but then I thought that I didn’t want to give the wrong impression! Anyway, he sucked up the rain like a trooper, which I thought was very gracious and charming of him.

When we got to Etcetera Etcetera it was great, with a really relaxed atmosphere. I had swordfish, he had steak and we shared a bunch of sides and had dessert at end. We talked about the show a lot, and both agreed on the high points.

I have to be honest, though – I felt like I was hanging out with a friend. We stayed there for quite a while, just chatting and drinking wine. At the end of dinner, he caught me by surprise and asked if I wanted to go out again. I didn’t think I was giving that impression, so I was a bit shocked! I got a bit tongue-tied, but I am a horrible liar, so I just kind of thought it was best to be honest. But you know what? It was very flattering to be asked! I thought Chris was super-nice, a really good date and we had an excellent evening, which was the main thing.

Rating: Two and half stars


I showed up early to pick up the tickets. When I saw her in the line, I went up and said hi. She seemed very relaxed, and I thought she was very attractive and had a great smile.

Right off the bat, Kristie struck me as a really fun person, enjoyable to be around, outgoing, smart and confident. She also told me that she used to sing on a cruise boat for three years, which I thought was very interesting. But the main thing I was very impressed by was that she was taking a bit of a risk for something she really wanted in life. That’s hot. I think a lot of people get bogged down with life and never take that chance.

“Pieces (of Ass)” really was excellent, although I think we were both wondering a bit about the name! But it was an excellent thing to do on a date. It got the ball rolling right away. As we walked to the restaurant after the show, and throughout the evening, we talked about lots of different things. We talked about the show, of course, but also told each other about our lives generally. We chatted a bit about her acting and just had a very free-flowing conversation with no awkward pauses, thankfully!Kristie is definitely a very attractive, very sharp girl. I would like to see her again and go to a museum or something sometime down the road – but I think it’s hard to tell if there’s a connection on a blind date.

That said, I very rarely go on blind dates – but I can definitely say this was the best blind date I have ever been on. I really enjoyed myself. I think both of us were doing this for the fun of it, and we weren’t taking ourselves too seriously.

Rating: two and a half hearts



Kristie 55%

Heather 25%

Jessica 20%