


MEET Chris, a venture capital analyst who describes himself as “easygoing, outdoorsy and curious.” He might be a business man, but make no mistake – he’s an eclectic kind of guy who also makes a “mean omelet,” can juggle, drinks eight glasses of water a day and “once made a canoe from scratch.” And he did a stint as a bouncer during college.

He’s a problem solver who likes making things better and says he “seeks out good people” to spend his time with. When we asked him to name the three things he couldn’t live without, his answers were a mix of gourmet and practical: chocolate-covered almonds, Spell Check and his pocket knife.

And when it comes to women, he’s looking for someone who can “think big, but relishes small pleasures. Women who are happy with life are sexy – ladies who can spoil and be spoiled. And I love women with a little wit and cut to their humor.”

What’s not attractive? Someone who eats the last cookie, he says. And for that matter, anyone who can’t separate life from work. Greedy, chocolate-snarfing workaholics, you have been forwarned. Chris’ dating experience has been filled with “fun and meaningful relationships.” He’s single, but he says he “recognizes how a positive relationship can enhance the quality of life.” That said, “My buddies make fun of me for resorting to the New York Post for dates.” Those friends might be laughing now, but wait until they see the three beautiful, intelligent women Chris has to choose from.

Make sure to get The Post next week to discover whom he chose, and find out how the big date went.

And if you think you’d like to have a try at our dating game, apply online at http://www.nypost.com/dating.

Heather, 31, senior marketing manager

How would you describe yourself? I’d say I’m fun, sexy, smart, cool, adventurous, witty, down-to-earth … and modest. Just kidding!

What do you like to do when you’re not working? I’m a busy girl when I’m not working: I like going to movies, concerts, camping, having brunch with friends and exploring my favorite place in the world – N.Y.C.

What was your worst date ever? Well, I met a guy online who had forgotten to ask my name. He then spent an hour with me over drinks – and still didn’t ask my name. When he asked me out for a second date, I asked him what my name was. You should have seen the look on his face!

What are you looking for in a relationship? An ideal relationship is one where you can simply sit next to the person, do nothing and yet be completely happy. When you’re having a bad day and think about that person, it should put a smile on your face.

Kristie, 27, singer

What animal do you resemble, and why? I’d have to say a cat, and that is because of my big, sexy – hey, this is what I’ve been told! – eyes.

How would you describe yourself? I’m a down-to-earth girl with a strong sense of responsibility but also a goofy, silly side. I’m honest and love adventures. My friends say I’m very goal-oriented and organized – perhaps a little too organized at times. I’m the type of girl who can hang out with the guys playing poker and drinking a beer, but I can also put on a sexy dress for a night out.

What’s sexy? Confidence, wit, intelligence and strong hands.

What’s not? Smoking, arrogance and being too manicured. You shouldn’t take longer than me to get ready.

What do you like to do when you’re not working? Anything, from going to the movies, traveling, going to outdoor markets, walking through the park, going to new restaurants and just relaxing.

Jessica, 28, publicist

What has your dating history been like? Ha! So many awful dates and countless hours of my life I will never get back! Like many New Yorkers, I’ve done a lot of dating via the Internet, and there are a lot of froggies out there. I haven’t been in a serious relationship for a while, but I believe that it’s better to be on your own than with someone you’re not absolutely crazy about. In that sense, I’m a romantic.

What three things can you not live without? The many important people in my life, my computer and my imagination.

What’s sexy? A guy who makes direct eye contact, and who remembers what you talked about the last time you went out. Liberals, and guys with wit and a goofy, genuine smile are very attractive – as is someone who is passionate about his work without being completely obsessed.

What was your worst date ever? Well, I met this goober for coffee and we were talking about traveling. I told him that I visited Munich to see where my grandparents lived after the war, and that they were Holocaust survivors. His eyes lit up, and he said, “Really? Your grandparents were Holocaust survivors? What a coincidence! My grandfather was a Nazi soldier.” Um, I guess he thought it was fate. Ick.