

THIS week, our Meet Market challenge is to set up Heather, 25, with the man of her dreams – or someone to share a nice dinner with, at the least!

Heather is an analyst who tells us that, in addition to being able to “turn any situation into a fun time,” she feels comfortable striking up a conversation with anyone.

In her spare time, Heather enjoys exploring different shops and neighborhoods around the city, wandering around and playing tennis. She describes herself as “energetic, eager to succeed, cute and optimistic.” Since she moved to the city two years ago, she’s dated on and off, but there hasn’t been anything really serious.

Heather can’t live without pizza, her day planner, or Juicy Tube lip gloss. And when it comes to guys, well, a sense of humor is non-negotiable, “I absolutely love to laugh! And anyone who can put a smile on my face is perfect.”

She’s also a pushover for anyone wearing cufflinks and playing baseball – though hopefully not at the same time. And she told us that her best date ever took place at a Mets game – good news for your sports fans out there.

Heather’s not so into guys who wear bad shoes, have bad breath or who are just plain argumentative.

Meet the three handsome guys she has to choose from – and be sure to read The Post next week to find out how the big date went.

And if you think you’d like to take part in The Post’s dating game, enter online at http://www.nypost.com/dating.

Eric, 27, film and video editor

What do you like to do when you’re not working? Well, when I’m not working, I’m pretty much obsessively consuming all forms of pop culture. I love watching movies and certain TV shows (“The Wire,” “Arrested Development,” “The Amazing Race” – hey, don’t knock it till you try it!) I also love listening to music and going to concerts, galleries and museums. And I’m pretty happy to read the paper on a lazy Sunday afternoon.

What three things can you not live without? My iPod, a warm coat and the Internet (OK, that’s not really a “thing,” but can you imagine life without it?)

What was your worst date ever? I went on a blind date once – and she was nervous, so she brought a friend and asked me to do the same. So I did. And then my date and my friend ended up going home together. Fun, fun.

What’s sexy? Sexy is a woman who’s not afraid to laugh loudly – guffaw, even. I’m looking for someone who knows the difference between good TV and bad; who is at least mostly comfortable in her own skin and who can laugh at herself – that one’s really important.

What’s not? I find people who are closed to things and ideas really unattractive.

Mike, 24, product designer

If your life had a soundtrack, what song would be playing? Gwen Stefani’s song “What Are You Waiting For” kind of describes my life right now. I’m at the point where I’m jumping out of ‘waiting’ mode and am getting into a part of my life where I’m trying to make things happen as a male model.

What was your worst date ever? I was out with a girl for the first time, and she wanted to go club-hopping. So we did this, and it was great – until we came into contact with her ex-boyfriend. After a bad shouting match between the two, we proceeded to the next club. Unfortunately, he showed up at this club too – and the next, and the next. At that point, I’d had enough and called it a night. I didn’t really plan on a night of boyfriend-dodging, and we never talked again.

What three things can you not live without? Women, a paintbrush and weights.

What do you look for in a woman? Someone who can turn my head without needing to wear revealing clothes or tons of makeup. I look for a woman who’s truthful and confident, but not over-confident. It’s unattractive when a woman is full of herself – because it leaves no room for anyone else but her.

Keith, 29, media planner

If your life were made into a movie, who would you want to play you – and who would actually end up playing you? I would want to be played by the guy who played Jabba the Hut – I forget his name. He seemed really chill, yet also had a way with the ladies. But Adam Sandler probably would play me, since he seems to have my character down to a science in his last seven movies.

What would be your ideal date? We’d meet at a nice wine bar in the early evening, so we could have drinks, get to know each other and chat. No pressure, just breaking the ice and getting past any circumstance, in a relaxed setting.

What three things can you not live without? Riccola, airplanes and chicken.

Tell us something embarrassing that happened to you recently. Well, on a date, I tried to impress a Hispanic woman by taking her to a really nice Spanish restaurant in Midtown, and then by ordering only in Spanish. The waiter ended up bringing me a shoe.

What was your worst date ever? On a dinner date, the waiter was obsessively talkative and over-friendly. Before we had even ordered drinks, he asks us if we’re dating, and continues to pry for information. By the time he was done questioning us, there was nothing left for us to talk about.