US News


WASHINGTON – Rep. Anthony Weiner could get a $1.5 million head start in a run for mayor, thanks to a provision slipped into a massive spending bill awaiting a final vote on Capitol Hill.

The proposal alters federal election rules, helping Weiner (D-N.Y.) and other lawmakers eyeing runs for offices in their state like governor or mayor. It would let them tap the cash in their congressional re-election accounts – a federal-state crossover now barred.

Weiner’s spokesman, Anson Kaye, said, “It may well benefit the congressman, but it hasn’t yet become law. We haven’t yet assessed the implications.”

Lawmakers are expected to finalize the omnibus bill, with the election-law changes, when they return to work next week.

The changes were recently slipped into the 3,000-plus page spending bill behind closed doors as a handful of GOP lawmakers merged Senate and House proposals into one bill.