US News


The city is on track to build thousands of housing units for New Yorkers who are being priced out of the city’s booming neighborhoods, Mayor Bloomberg said yesterday.

“We are on schedule. We actually have 25,000 of those under construction right now. So we could keep our nose to the grindstone and work hard, we’ll be in great shape,” the mayor said to worshippers at Brooklyn’s Christian Cultural Center.

“There isn’t enough housing for everybody . . . particularly there isn’t enough housing for people who are out there every day working their fingers to the bone but they just don’t make enough money to afford housing,” the mayor told the nearly 5,000-strong, predominantly black congregation.

“Making sure we have vibrant neighborhoods that have diversity of people, all economic levels is something that is critically important to our city,” he added.

Shortly after he took office in 2002, he pledged to build 65,000 units of affordable housing by 2008.