

Joe Torre drove the Pedro Martinez bandwagon on Thursday, but Alex Rodriguez grabbed the steering wheel and put the pedal to the metal.

While Torre said he coveted Pedro, A-Rod told a Dominican Republic TV station that he dreams of playing alongside the notorious Red Sox righty.

In gushing tones, Rodriguez claimed there’s great respect for Martinez among the Yankees. Furthermore, A-Rod added Martinez would be accepted “with open arms” if he shocks the baseball world and dons pinstripes.

“I’ve been in the major leagues for 10 years, and for me the best pitcher I’ve seen is Pedro Martinez,” A-Rod said in comments published by the Associated Press yesterday. “He is a genius with the ball, has incredible discipline and knowledge of baseball.

“I love him and respect him a lot. To play with Pedro is one of the dreams I still have yet to accomplish, but we’ll see.”

Martinez is one of the most reviled figures in the history of the Yankee-Red Sox rivalry, and many Yankee fans have been bedeviled by news the 33-year-old might switch sides.

That appeared less likely late last night, when a published report stated Boston has guaranteed a third year in a new $38 million offer to Martinez. Boston’s initial offer was reportedly for two years and $25.5 million with a $13 million option.

If the Red Sox are sincere about keeping Martinez, their timing was perfect. Yesterday’s rumors were that the Yankees are beginning to talk numbers, although a high-ranking Yankee official dismissed whispers that an offer might have been made to Martinez as “nonsense.”

Nevertheless, one industry source heard the Yankees were considering three guaranteed years at $15 million per year with a fourth-year option. A second industry source heard less-certain rumblings of a four-year, $50 million contract.

Martinez’s agent, Fernando Cuza, refused to comment on negotiations. “Even if they did [make an offer], I wouldn’t say,” he said.

Yankees GM Brian Cashman was out of the office yesterday and didn’t immediately return phone messages. But if the Yankees want to make a last, best grab for Pedro, either one of those offers would trump the new offer Boston reportedly has on the table.

In a Post poll earlier this week, 72.3 percent of respondents said the Yankees should stay away from Martinez, and sources have claimed at various times the Yanks’ interest is either tepid or a ruse.

According to Cuza, Martinez saw or was told about Thursday’s back page by the Post. The pitcher was fitted with horns and a pitchfork under the headline “To Hell With Him!”

To say Martinez was miffed might be an understatement.

“Who likes to see their mug with horns coming out?” Cuza asked.

Wire services contributed to this story.