


At the Joyce Theater, 175 Eighth Ave., at 19th Street; (212) 242-0800. Season runs throughSunday.

AS part of a citywide festival of modern Mexican art and culture, Delfos Danza Contemporanea, a 14-year-old company based in the seaside town of Mazatlan, made its New York debut at the Joyce Theater on Tuesday night.

Directed and founded by Victor Manuel Ruiz and Claudia Lavista, this well-trained, unyieldingly energetic seven-dancer troupe gave a program called “Brief Moments.”

This was an evening-long collection of six dance vignettes that was presumably about people trying to make connections.

Generally they didn’t.

With few exceptions, the choreography, whether by Ruiz, Lavista or two of the other dancers, Xitlali Pina and Omar Carrum, all appeared to be of the rather tiresome school of spastic jerks.

The main exception was the opening piece, Ruiz’s “Trio and String,” which had three topless dancers, Lavista, Karen De Luna and Ruiz himself, cavorting around in ingenious brown paper costumes by Luis Armando Castillo.

Another piece relatively free from the epileptic movement style was a duet, “I Was Thinking,” for Lavista and its choreographer, Carrum, which seemed to concern the musings of an abandoned couple.

But the evening was not over until four of the quite charming dancers removed their clothes and took an on-stage shower.

Well, at least, it’s clean – if not wildly imaginative.