US News


R. Kelly is ready to bury the hatchet and perform again with Jay-Z – despite the fact that Jay-Z’s entourage blasted him with pepper spray.

“If Jay turned around and said, ‘Hey, this was all a big misunderstanding and let’s get back together and try again,’ Robert would probably say OK,” Kelly’s manager, Allan Mayer, told The Post yesterday.

The olive branch comes as the stars’ dazzling “Best of Both Worlds” tour lies in ruins after Friday’s Madison Square Garden show in which Kelly bolted the stage because he thought guns were being waved at him from the audience.

When he tried to return, a member of Jay-Z’s entourage zapped him with pepper spray, which required emergency treatment at St. Vincent’s Hospital.

By Saturday, all hell had broken loose with promoter Jeff Sharp of Atlanta Worldwide Touring booting the “I Believe I Can Fly” crooner from the remaining Garden shows.

The next show is scheduled for tonight.