US News


Gunmen assassinated the deputy governor of Baghdad and wounded four of his bodyguards early today.

Hatem Karim was gunned down in the southern Dora district of the Iraqi capital, police said.

The latest violence came only hours after Iraq’s interim prime minister warned that his patience was wearing thin over the standoff in Fallujah, and said plans for a military attack on the Sunni Triangle stronghold are in their “final phase.”

Iyad Allawi gave no deadline, but insisted Sunni leaders in Fallujah turn over all foreign fighters – including Jordanian terrorist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi – and allow Iraqi security forces to take control of the city.

“We have now entered the final phase of attempts to solve Fallujah without a major military confrontation,” Allawi said. “I hope we can achieve this, but if we cannot, I have no choice but to secure a military solution.”

American officials said Allawi will personally issue the final order to launch any all-out assault on Fallujah.

Americans estimate 5,000 militants are holed up in Fallujah – including al-Zarqawi, who recently announced his allegiance to al Qaeda after claiming responsibility for several beheadings.

Meanwhile, 15 Iraqis were killed and eight wounded in a rocket attack in Tikrit, Saddam Hussein’s hometown.

The rocket was one of two fired just after evening prayers.