US News


There wasn’t a soul in the hall who was more surprised than Wedjat when his name came up the winner of the annual CSA cat show at Madison Square Garden.

Wedjat, a male Ocicat, jumped out of owner Victoria Garvin’s arms and straight onto a cocktail table.

He then tried to claw at the bouquet of victory roses. Whatever the standards are for CSA, comportment clearly is not high on their list.

The 14-month-old made it to the top of the 325-feline heap to cop the Best in Show award for the beaming Garvin.

“This is really exciting,” said Garvin, formally of New York but lately a Washington, D.C., administrator. “We’re very proud. This cat represents 14 ½ years of breeding for me.”

And Garvin certainly chose the proper name for her champion baby: “Wedjat is the Egyptian hieroglyphic for victory.”

Wedjat also carried the breed’s honor; for the second year in a row, an Ocicat took home the crown.

“This is quite rare,” said cat-show spokeswoman Elinor Silverman.

Next on the agenda for Wedjat?

“Perhaps the International in Houston in November,” said Garvin.

And as for how much is that kitty in the window: “He’s priceless,” said Garvin.