US News


The family of a cancer-stricken New Jersey girl who lost a video camera full of irreplaceable memories got it back yesterday, thanks to an honest cabby and an eagle-eyed cop.

“I’m happy to have it so I can watch all the videos on it and I can bring it to school to show all my friends,” said 11-year-old Meaghan Collins, as her father played the tape for her at the 17th Precinct last night.

Meaghan and her family left the camera and tape – which documents her yearlong struggle against a rare bone cancer – in a cab four days ago.

Cabdriver Virendra Shukla made three unsuccessful attempts to find the family at the hotel where he had picked them up, and eventually turned the camera over to police around 3 a.m. Monday

Officer Martin Chiffriller – in charge of invoicing property – read The Post and put two and two together.

Shukla, who said he had no idea anyone had been looking for the camera when he returned it, drew cheers last night when he refused to accept the $5,000 reward offered by the family and generous Post readers.