US News


ATHENS – The 2012 Olympics would bring huge long-term benefits to New York, Mayor Bloomberg said yesterday.

“There’s no question about that,” said Bloomberg. “You have my promise. You won’t get the Games unless you can assure the IOC [International Olympic Committee] that is in fact the case.”

Bloomberg spent a second day in Athens taking in the Games and seeing firsthand the commitment that comes with hosting the Olympics.

Greece spent some $8 billion to host these games but there now is infrastructure in place that should improve the quality of life for generations.

There is a new subway system, roads, athletic stadiums and parks.

Bloomberg said New York would build “an enormous” number of parks.

“New York is sort of an Olympic Village every day, given the diversity of our city,” said Bloomberg, who was wearing a white cap with the NYC 2012 logo and a white and gold shirt with a red Big Apple over his heart.

New York has a fight on its hands for the 2012 games. Paris, Moscow, London and Madrid also are in the running.