US News


Cops are bracing for radical attempts to “shut down” the Republican convention, with protesters blockading or disabling delegates’ buses – and the NYPD is even warning McDonald’s and Starbucks that they could be anarchist targets.

The radicals and other activists – who’ve sparked stormy protests from Seattle to Genoa – will be meeting here Friday in a war council to plan protests for the convention.

The radicals claim protests for the four-day event beginning Aug. 30 will be peaceful – and the only threat of violence stems from cops.

But sources said the NYPD is anticipating efforts by radicals to:

* Stop delegates from getting to Madison Square Garden, the convention site, by puncturing the tires of their shuttle buses or lying down in front of them.

* Disrupt subways, especially near the Garden.

* Create chaos at the 40 hotels housing delegates.

Sources said the NYPD is setting up a system to protect the shuttle buses and is taking other measures such as developing alternate routes from delegates’ hotels.

Police yesterday also said they will be sending community-affairs officers to large corporate outlets in the vicinity of the Garden – such as McDonald’s and Starbucks – to advise them they could be targets.

Several high-profile members of the radical protest movement will meet Friday at a “Life After Capitalism” conference at Hunter College to discuss a final strategy.

Among them are Canadian activist Jaggi Singh; Lisa Fithian of Los Angeles, a top organizer in the umbrella group United for Peace and Justice; and Miriam “Starhawk” Simos of San Francisco, author of a widely read essay, “How We Shut Down the WTO.”

“We’re not calling for a shutdown of the convention,” Fithian said.

“No one has an intention of being arrested. If the police exercise restraint. . . they have nothing to fear.”

But she said there may be people who want to “go beyond marching.”

The NYPD is ready.

“We expect the vast majority of demonstrators to be law-abiding,” said spokesman Paul Browne. “But we’re prepared for those who are not.”

Additional reportingby Larry Celona

Here’s trouble

Security experts believe several ‘career protesters’ could target the Republican National Convention in New York City later month. Here’s three ‘radicals’ they expect to be leading the crowds:


A Canadian who spent 17 days in jail after the 2001 Summit of the Americas in Quebec City after being charged with possession of a weapon – a catapult.

Is regarded by some as a key anarchist leader who has become increasingly militant.

Helped organize protests at the 1997 Asian Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in Vancouver, the 2002 “Take the Capital” protest at the G8 summit in Ottawa and was deported from Israel in January last year after travelling there as a volunteer with the International Solidarity Movement, a pro-Palestinian group.


Has been arrested nearly 30 times in protests over the last 15 years.

A former student government president at Skidmore College, co-founded the RANT (Root Activist Network of Trainers) Collective and is a prominent member of the action group United for Peace and Justice.

She also took part in the “Save the River” campaign at the St. Lawrence Seaway, 1991 Gulf War and a bridge blockade in Washington D.C. on behalf of “Justice for Janitors.”

MIRIAM ‘Starhawk’


Says she’s a witch and has written nine books on subjects like magic, goddess worship and neo-paganism.

Is known for her widely read essay “How We Shut Down the WTO” – about the chaotic clashes between Seattle cops and demonstrators during the 1999 World Trade Organization summit.

Based in San Francisco but travels widely to protest on environmental, feminist and anti-nuke issues.

Helped found the RANT Collective which “trained” demonstrators at protests including G8 meetings in Genoa, Calgary, and Evian, France and the WTO conference last year in Cancun.