US News


A Los Angeles judge yesterday ordered the woman accused of stalking Catherine Zeta-Jones to see a court-appointed psychiatrist so the doctor can determine her legal competency.

Judge John Wiley appointed Dr. Kal Sharma to see accused stalker Dawnette Knight, 32, and make a report by Sept. 15.

Zeta-Jones and husband Michael Douglas testified during a preliminary hearing on July 28, but the proceeding was cut short when Knight’s lawyer, Richard Herman, said his client was unable to assist in her own defense.

As soon as the hearing came to a halt, Herman lashed out at Zeta-Jones and said the actress had orchestrated a vicious public relations campaign against Knight, who is charged with 25 felony counts of stalking and criminal threats. Knight was allegedly obsessed with Douglas and wanted Zeta-Jones out of the picture.

“The fact you’re rich and powerful and have money doesn’t mean justice is different for you,” Herman said yesterday.