US News


Veteran sex-kitten chanteuse Eartha Kitt – who played Catwoman in the “Batman” TV series – was injured yesterday when her SUV got clipped by another car at an intersection and flipped over near her Connecticut home, police and eyewitnesses said.

Witnesses said Kitt, 77, of Weston, did not appear to be seriously hurt.

Officials at nearby Norwalk Hospital said she was treated at the emergency room and released.

Kitt was driving with her two toy poodles, Mutzi and Aba, through Westport when her SUV was hit by the other car and flipped over, eyewitnesses said.

They said the two dogs appeared to be unscathed and were being cared for by the singer’s daughter, Kitt Shapiro, who lives in the area and arrived on the scene shortly after the crash.

Kitt was seen talking with police, fire and EMS personnel immediately after the accident and was placed on a stretcher. The driver of the second vehicle declined medical attention.

Cops said the collision was under investigation.

The driver of the second car told bystanders he tried to avoid Kitt’s vehicle as she drove through an intersection at around 9 a.m.

The outspoken singer made headlines in 1968 when she accepted an invitation to the White House for an all-women’s luncheon with Lady Bird Johnson and ended up criticizing U.S. involvement in Vietnam.