

Paul Hackett is the only coach on the Jets staff who has a middle name unprintable in family newspapers. Not only is Hackett’s middle name unsuitable for print, it, too, is ever-changing. Fill in the blank, er, bleep.

If you’re a Jets fan frustrated at the inconsistency of the team’s offense during the last three seasons, undoubtedly you’ve referred to Hackett in such a way.

For whatever reason, Hackett has been a lightning rod attached to many of the Jets’ failings during the Herman Edwards era, despite the fact the team has never been able to stop the run and defensive coordinator Ted Cottrell was fired shortly after last season’s 6-10 debacle.

Perhaps it’s because Hackett has always talked a good game. Hackett, an engaging, energetic and erudite sort, can talk his team to the Super Bowl with his undying enthusiasm. When he’s on his game, the offense has flowed like a well-oiled machine. There have, however, been too many stalls and suffocating scoring droughts along the way, though.

That makes this season crucial for Hackett, who was given a token one-year extension to his contract – a lukewarm endorsement for his work the last three years.

He’d rather not discuss it directly, but Hackett is clearly on the proverbial hot seat this season.

That he was retained by Edwards after last season was directly related to Chad Pennington and the fact the organization didn’t want to interrupt Pennington’s development by bringing in a new offensive coordinator. Pennington, too, has been a vocal supporter of Hackett, surely another factor.

The bottom line for the Jets and Hackett is this: While the defense and its four new starters, new coordinator and new system are feeling their way into the season, the offense, with its nine returning starters from 2003, had better lead the way early on.

This is the fourth year of Hackett’s program and he has eight starters who’ve been starting in all four. That, along with a healthy Pennington, should be enough to improve on last season’s 19th-ranked offense – 25th in rushing.

“We took a step back last year and our jaws are set more than ever before,” Hackett said yesterday. “We have to build the foundation here in camp.”

What Hackett has this year that he didn’t a year ago is a better receiving corps, with the addition of Justin McCareins, Jonathan Carter a year stronger and more mature, and a healthier Pennington and Curtis Martin.

Does he have concerns and question marks? Sure. There will be two new starting guards. Brent Smith, the starter at right guard last year, moves to left guard while Brandon Moore takes over at right guard.

That shift shouldn’t be enough to sabotage an offense. Not with the weapons Hackett has, beginning with Santana Moss.

Asked if this offense can be special, Hackett said, “That has to be our standard. We’ve been together long enough now and we’re healthy now.”

Another element to Hackett’s existence this year is the fact Edwards, always one to delegate too much, will have a much heavier hand in what the Jets do on offense. The Jets plan to be much more aggressive on offense, something not usually associated with Hackett’s philosophy.

“I know he’s heard enough (criticism),” Moss said. “I think if we handle our jobs, then the criticism will be off him. He won’t have to worry about getting all the pressure if we go out and do what we have to do.

“Some of the guys here have been here for all four years, so when it becomes that long you should have a grasp of it. You should be able to go out there and do it like a walk in the park.”