Turns out the first issue of All You is hitting stores in July after all.

After insisting that nothing would be out until mid-August, Time Inc. has cranked out what it is calling a “sample issue” at an unbeatable price: free, in Wal-Mart stores near you.

A Time Inc. spokeswoman insists that the issue of All You now slated to start landing in Wal-Mart stores today is only a “a sample issue” designed to build market share in advance of the first issue, slated to hit August 13. But according to documents obtained by Media Ink, there will be 500,000 copies of the “sample” distributed nationally.

By Monday, the sample copies will be in all 3,000 stores nationally – all offered for free.

Once the “regular” issue of All You goes on sale, it will be at the bargain basement price of $1.47, according to documents obtained by Media Ink.