US News


John Kerry’s hunky stepson, Chris Heinz, looks like a movie star, is an heir to a billion-dollar ketchup fortune and boasts a Harvard MBA – but he still can’t find a girlfriend.

The extremely eligible 31-year-old bachelor reveals in an exclusive interview that he hasn’t enjoyed any amorous action in months.

“It’s been a long time since I had a girlfriend,” he lamented the other night. “About a month ago, I went on a date with a great girl, very attractive, but I couldn’t pursue it. I don’t have the time. My life is way too busy right now, with the campaign. I’m in a different town five days a week. But if any of your readers have any idea of a nice girl for me to meet, I’m open to ideas.”

Heinz, who once dated Gwyneth Paltrow, has put his romantic problems aside for the time being while he polishes a speech for Tuesday night, in which he’ll introduce his mother, Teresa Heinz Kerry.

“I just want to make my mom proud,” he said. “She’s an amazing woman, and I’ve seen her work so hard over the past two years.”