US News


Assemblyman Adam Clayton Powell IV – who is accused of raping a Manhattan woman – passed two lie detector tests, the politician’s lawyer said yesterday.

Powell, who has called the allegation “outrageous,” was given separate examinations last week by Richard Arthur, who once gave a test to Jack Ruby after Ruby killed JFK assassin Lee Harvey Oswald.

“Mr. Powell was found to be truthful in denying any wrongful sexual contact,” said his attorney, Murray Richman.

“It is tragic that accusations are made without the ability to properly confront them,” Powell (D-Harlem) said. “It does injury to those wrongfully accused as well as those who have been subject to sexual abuse and whose words thus become suspect.”

The DA has yet to formally file charges.

The 38-year-old woman who made the rape allegation told police she met Powell on July 1 and he raped her that night in an apartment on Central Park West.

It was the second time in as many months that a woman filed a rape complaint against Powell.

In the first case, a 19-year-old intern complained Powell raped her in an Albany suburb, but she later said the sex was consensual.