US News


A pervert who broke into two Long Island homes, and sexually assaulted sleeping women was busted after one victim identified him as a carpenter who had worked on her home, cops said yesterday.

Police believe that the suspect, Antonio Escobar, 31, is an illegal alien who has been getting day-labor jobs with construction crews.

One of his victims managed to fight him off; the other, whose 5-month-old baby was in the room, was raped, cops said.

Cops said Escobar’s terrifying rampage began Monday at 4:30 a.m., when he crept into the home of his first target through an unlocked back door.

“The victim woke up and he was laying on top of her,” said Lt. Lawrence Boyle. “He had a boxcutter up to her neck. She struggled with him and she received cuts on both hands.

“Her parents and her brother were at home,” Boyle said and the attacker fled when she screamed.

Police are investigating whether Escobar ever worked at the home.

Less than 30 minutes later, he allegedly climbed into another home.

“The victim’s husband had just left for work,” said Boyle. “This guy climbed into bed with her. He threatened to kill her and her small child, who was sleeping nearby.”

Boyle said Escobar raped the second victim.

Escobar, who lives in Greenlawn with his wife – not far from his alleged victims – was arraigned yesterday on charges of burglary, rape, and sexual assault.