US News


Mayor Bloomberg got wet and wild yesterday when he kicked off the opening of the city’s pools.

“Last one in is a rotten egg!” the mayor hollered as some 20 local schoolchildren jumped into the Olympic-size facility at Astoria Pool in Queens.

Then Bloomberg, wearing a black Reebok bathing suit and a white polo shirt (above), doffed his brown Ralph Lauren loafers and followed the youngsters with a feet-first leap.

The awkward dive would likely have earned him a 0.0 from Olympic judges, but the mayor said he hoped more expert divers would be using the pool eight years from now.

“If we are lucky enough to be chosen to host the 2012 Summer Games, this is going to be turned into a world-class facility,” he said.

“So keep your fingers crossed. I personally will be working on my backstroke between now and then. I know the swimming team will call me.”

In the pool, the mayor performed a few dog-paddle strokes and frolicked with youngsters before climbing out and toweling off.

Bloomberg reminded youngsters that the city’s 53 public pools will be open from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. every day until Labor Day and its 14 miles of public beaches, which are already open, will welcome visitors from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Free learn-to-swim programs will be offered at 18 of the city pools, added Parks Commissioner Adrian Benepe.