US News


With the city abuzz over Bill Clinton’s super-hyped memoir and his bombshell confession that he had a torrid tryst with Monica Lewinsky “because I could,” the Sexgate siren is skipping out for the weekend – to go to Clinton’s hometown.

Lewinsky will be in Little Rock, Ark., for the wedding of a close friend with whom she worked at the White House, pals said yesterday.

In a pre-book launch interview with CBS news anchor Dan Rather, Clinton set tongues a-wagging by admitting that his Oval Office romps with Lewinsky were a product of ego and opportunity

“I did something for the worst possible reason – just because I could,” Clinton told Rather in an interview that airs on “60 Min utes” on Sunday Night.

“I think that’s just about the most morally indefensible reason anybody could have for doing something.”

Lewinsky spokeswoman Barbara Hutson said yesterday that the former White House intern isn’t talking about Clinton’s jaw-dropping admission.

“She is not going to comment on a sound bite that has been re leased by ’60 Minutes’ to promote their program,” said Hutson.

And sources said Lewinsky is reeling even more because her be loved maternal grandmother recently suffered a stroke.

The hoopla surrounding Clinton’s hotly anticipated book “My Life” – for which the 42nd president was paid a $12 million advance – has been incredible.

The $35 book, published by Alfred A. Knopf, has a first printing of 1.5 million copies – the all-time record for a work of nonfiction.

And people who have advance tickets enabling them to receive an autographed copy of the book on Tuesday are hawking them on eBay for more than $300. “This is a piece of history, and your chance to guarantee receiving one of the first signed copies,” said one seller.

Top shrinks say Clinton’s bombshell admission could have a devastating effect on wife Hillary and daughter Chelsea.

“This is the kind of thing that will continue to haunt Hillary and Chelsea,” said Manhattan marriage and sex therapist Sharon Wolf.

Dr. Michael Nuccitelli, executive director of SLS, a psychiatric facility in upstate Brewster, agreed, saying, “Hillary and Chelsea definitely aren’t going to feel good about this.”

Dr. Patricia Farrell, a clinical psychologist in New Jersey, called Clinton’s explanation for his tryst “lame.”

“He’s only saying this now to promote his book,” she said.

Clinton will appear in bookstores in New York Tuesday to autograph copies.

Additional reporting by Primrose Skelton