

Post basketball writers Marc Berman and Fred Kerber slug it out over whether Kobe Bryant is on the verge of reaching Michael Jordan’s level.

Marc Berman: The career statistics don’t back it up yet, but the accomplishments do. When Michael Jordan was 25, he was two years away from winning his first championship, still considered too selfish to win a title. Kobe is looking to win this week his fourth in five years at 25. Every move he makes reminds you of Jordan. Just wait till he enters the middle of his prime.

Kobe is taken for granted because he doesn’t have the Nike marketing machine working for him now because of legal issues. All those overwrought “Be Like Mike” commercials sold Jordan’s image of greatness. It was well deserved, but Kobe’s had an MVP-like season under the duress of a rape trial.

Unable to work out last summer, dealing with knee, shoulder and Colorado issues, he lost his muscle tone. He has come all the way back, with grace and dignity, had his best games after jetting in from a day in court.

Fred Kerber: For now, two words: six rings.

Yup, Kobe is going for a fourth. But four isn’t six. And Michael didn’t have Shaquille O’Neal on his side. How much does Shaq mean? Ask yourself one question: Would they have won if Kobe was Tracy McGrady? Yes, they would have because of Shaq. Michael was why the Bulls won.

Oh, and that marketing nonsense. Did Nike make Michael? Or did Michael make Nike? And please, you want a media frenzy? Check out what Jordan went through every day. But leave off-court issues exactly there, off court.

Kobe is a great player, absolutely no question. But look at the overall body of work. Michael is Michael. He transcended the sport. There was Ruth. There was Ali. There was Jordan. Maybe one day there’ll be Bryant in that crew. But not now.

Berman: What did Jordan go through every day, Fred? Hero worship. Let’s not compare that to Kobe hearing fans call him a rapist, while facing 10 years to life in jail. Jordan probably would’ve quit on basketball if he faced those charges, just like he quit on basketball the fall after his father was murdered.

As for the Shaq factor, wonder if Michael’s ego would’ve allowed him to share the spotlight with another superstar the way Kobe has. Jordan had the perfect, unselfish sidekick in Scottie Pippen, who didn’t need to be The Man, and better role players than the Lakers have had.

Kerber: I’m not going to get into legal issues, guilt or innocence. But Jordan’s media circus came about because he was Michael. Kobe’s has been self-inflicted. Call it hero worship. Or call it intrusion. “Michael eats a burger!!! Film at 11.” And never equate a tragedy, a relative’s murder, to personal infidelity.

And please, don’t disregard the Shaq factor. Are you serious? He is the most dominant big man since Chamberlain – maybe ever? Put him alongside Jordan and Michael probably would have won two more titles.

Berman: As clutch as Jordan was, I would’ve rather had Kobe taking that last-second shot – a better 3-point shooter with as many feints as His Airness. Bryant at 25 would have punished Jordan at 25. When Kobe retires in 13 years, Isiah Thomas thinks he’ll be remembered as the best ever. I couldn’t agree more.

Kerber: Jordan won games simply by stepping on the court with the psyche factor. Every player in the league acted like he was Michael’s best buddy, and he let them think it – then stuck a knife in his back. I’ll accept arguments of Larry Bird or Jerry West or Magic Johnson when it comes to “clutch.” Maybe one day Kobe will be held in that regard. Maybe. But I’ll stick with the proven commodity.