US News


A federal judge yesterday refused to step into the bitter custody battle between a former Playboy model and the casino mogul ex-lover she wrongly tried to paint as a child molester.

Lawyers for Bridget Marks, the mother of the 4-year-old twin girls, argued she lost custody of the girls for no good reason last month because the judge relied on court-appointed experts – and the current system of court-appointed experts is corrupt, with assignments handed out to the politically connected, not the most qualified.

But federal Judge George Daniels refused to accept the case, saying the appeals court now handling it is capable of addressing her concerns, as long as the process is handled in a timely manner.

Last week, the children were taken from their mother by court order. Judge Arlene Goldberg gave custody to casino mogul John Aylsworth, 54, and longtime wife Karen, because she found Marks was poisoning the girls’ relationship with their father by coaching them to say he had molested them.

Marks can’t appeal the Family Court decision until July 5.

A disappointed Marks left federal court yesterday stone-faced and silent.