US News


And you thought the guy who shelled out $28,000 at an East Side strip club was a boob.

He was a skinflint compared to Tauhidul Chaudhury – a big-spending Bangladeshi who racked up an unbelievable $129,626 credit card bill at the same Midtown mammary mecca.

Chaudhury, the husband of a Bangladeshi diplomat, isn’t sure if he had the time of his life at Scores, because he was intoxicated by something besides the dancers’ beauty. In papers filed in Manhattan Supreme Court, he says he was so boozed up he can’t remember what he charged – if anything.

“Subsequently, Scores refused Chaudhury’s request to provide him with a more detailed statement as to what services he allegedly purchased, and Scores’ employees and/or agents did not explain to him what had actually occurred from and after the time he entered the premises,” says his suit against the club, which seeks the return of his cash.

The claim comes just a month after Mitchell Blaser, an executive at insurance giant Swiss Re, sued the club over a $28,000 bill.

One thing is known in the Chaudhury case – all his money didn’t go to lap dances during his seven-hour odyssey. If he only had one dancer dance for him per song and didn’t tip, $129,626 could buy him 6,481 lap dances – 540 hours worth.

That translates to 22 days and 12 hours worth of lap dances.

A spokesman for Scores, Lonnie Hanover, declined comment.

Outside of his apartment, Chaudhury told The Post to “speak to my lawyer.” He didn’t return calls.

He told The Smoking Gun Web site – which first reported the story – that he was forced to file the suit after his credit card companies “did not find reason to decline the payments.”

Chaudhury had the night to forget last Oct. 23, when he and three friends went to the club at about 9 p.m. and hung out by the bar drinking, the suit says. The friends took off at 11, but Chaudhury stayed behind, the suit says.

Despite “Chaudhury’s obviously intoxicated state and resulting mental impairment, and knowing that he could not comprehend his surroundings, Scores . . . continued to supply Chaudhury with alcoholic beverages and other services throughout the night,” the suit says.

Scores personnel “further disregarded and took advantage of his intoxicated state . . . and continually charged at least four different credit cards . . . for, among other things, alcoholic beverages and these various services,” the suit says. By the time he stumbled out when the club closed at 4 a.m., he’d been charged the $129,000.

Chaudhury is listed in the directory of the U.N. permanent mission as the husband of a Bangladeshi consul.

Tauhidul Chaudhury says he doesn’t know what he was charged for during a trip to Scores, but here’s some possibilities:

* 20 magnums of $3,200 Clos du Mesnil champagne: $64,000

* 20 $42, 30 oz. Presidential Porterhouse steaks: $840

* 10 pieces of $16 hot chocolate cakes: $160

* 2,000 $20 lap dances – $40,000

* Gratuity: $24,626

TOTAL: $129,626