US News


Blond hottie Jessica Simpson is suing a production company that she says canceled a concert she was supposed to perform at the Grand Prix of Puerto Rico, and stiffed her on a $140,000 payday.

Simpson said she wore a T-shirt with the word “Motorock” – the name of a concert series – across the front during the filming of her music video “With You” as part of an agreement with 4 Dog Productions. She also agreed to do a concert in San Juan for the company.

But two days after the videotaping, 4 Dog canceled the agreement, and never paid the star of MTV’s “Newlyweds,” according to the lawsuit filed last week in Manhattan federal court.

The lawsuit demands that New Jersey-based 4 Dog pay the $140,000, plus interest and Simpson’s legal fees and other expenses.

Mike Zaccaro, the president of 4 Dog, called the charges “baseless.”