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What’s the value of the hit “The Apprentice” to Donald Trump’s brand name?


Money can’t buy a businessman the kind of buzz The Donald is getting as the star of the hit TV show, experts say.

His real estate and casino fortunes are all tied to the Trump name, which until now had mostly been media shorthand for wealth and power.

But thanks to the TV show, the public is now getting a likable face for the brand, experts say.

“The show is priceless for his reputation and name,” said veteran public relations executive Fraser Seitel of Emerald Partners. “That kind of exposure is superior to anything you could buy – a half-hour of prime-time network [air time], and all the recognition afterwards of people talking about it,” said Seitel.

He says the buzz from a half-hour show “easily translates into $50 million of real value.”

Marketing sources say Trump’s TV fame has made him stronger than ever by giving the public its first real look at his nice-guy side.

“The show has allowed him to come across as the likable guy that he really is,” said advertising guru Donny Deutsch. “The Trump name always had a premium veneer to it, but it lacked the personable, likability factor that we get to see now on the show.

“The brand was always top-shelf; now it’s top-shelf with a smile,” Deutsch added.

Another plus for Trump is the cold cash: NBC pays $1 million for each segment of the show, which is partly owned by Trump and his executive producer Mark Burnett. Trump also gets $100,000 per episode as well as an acting fee to portray himself.

The developer has managed through ups and downs in 25 years to spin the Trump name into a globally admired brand linked to expensive taste.

He’s erected more than $10 billion in projects bearing his name. Park Avenue condo brokers know that affixing the Trump name to a glitzy building brings in anywhere from 15 to 50 percent more per square foot than the rest of the market – with some of his spaces hitting a record $3,000 per foot.

Even when Trump unloaded his big yacht, the “Trump Princess,” during the 1990s recession, he got 40 percent above the going $20 million price for a such a vessel, because of its name.

Real estate experts estimate that the Trump branding alone has brought up to $1.5 billion in added sales income over the years.

Trump admits he’s surprised by the enormous ratings NBC has scored with the new show.

“Sometimes, you just get lucky,” Trump said.

Golden touch

Not even Donald Trump could buy publicity like this.

Hit show “The Apprentice” has dramatically ratcheted up the value of the Trump name – and may allow the mogul to expand his empire.

His domain so far:

* Real estate: has built 25 residential buildings, including 16 in NYC

* Casinos: 5, including 3 in Atlantic City

* Golf: 1 club in Westchester and 1 in Florida; a third under construction in N.J.

* Miss Universe: pageants include Miss USA, Miss Teen USA and Miss Universe