US News


The city has saved $13 million by borrowing attorneys from prestigious law firms to try its cases – taking advantage of private-sector attorneys eager for trial experience, The Post has learned.

The Corporation Counsel Public Service Program was conceived in the days after 9/11, when the entire Law Department was forced to move into private firms because of damage to its home offices.

Since then, 27 law firms have lent attorneys to the city and picked up the tab for their services.

“These law firms have given the Law Department invaluable help in defending the city and in conserving public resources during a time of fiscal scarcity,” said Michael Cardozo, the city’s corporation Counsel.

The Post spoke to three attorneys who participated in the swap. All said it was a win-win situation for them and the city.

“It’s sink or swim,” said Meredith Schum, a 28-year-old associate with Skadden Arps, the city’s largest private law firm. “They really start you off with a bang.”

Schum, a University of Pennsylvania graduate who worked with the Law Department for four months, added, “It was really a mutually beneficial experience.

“They get more attorneys. We get more experience.”

Brian Sung, a fourth-year associate with Weil, Gotshal & Manges, is currently in the midst of a four-month stint with the city.

“Any litigation associate thinking about doing volunteer work should consider participating in the corporation counsel’s trial rotation program for the extent and amount of support provided.”