US News


A teenager walked into a 7-Eleven in Hollywood, Fla., brandishing a rifle and bullets and announced a stickup.

But all the 16-year-old got was arrested – after customers jumped him as he struggled to load the rifle.

“He was trying to cram a .40-caliber bullet into a .22-caliber rifle,” said Broward County Sheriff’s spokesman Jim Leljedal.

“It was like twice as big as the gun will fit.”

A Texas judge has sentenced a man to yoga lessons – so he can learn how to replace his ranting with chanting.

James Lee Cross, 53, of Houston had been convicted of slapping his wife during an argument about her drinking problem.

The sentence is expected to have a karma-ing influence on him.

Why did the seal try to cross the road?

To go along with the tide, according to police in Sackville, Nova Scotia, where drivers were swerving wildly to avoid a stray seal that was waddling in the middle of the local highway.

Police said the seal apparently arrived from the nearby salt marshes with the tide – which sometimes comes up alongside the highway – and was left stranded when the tide receded.

A medical team from the University of Chicago flew to Romania this week to operate on a woman with a 176-pound tumor.

Lucica Bunghez, 47, first noticed the growth 25 years ago, when it was a small lump.

Before it was removed, it had covered most of Bunghez’s back and ran halfway down her thigh. Doctors said it weighed twice as much as she now weighs without it.

What a dummy! This British Beatles fan bought a life-size wax figure of Ringo Starr and left the top half on a major highway.

Alex Dyke, a DJ from the Isle of Wight, split his 5-foot-8 Ringo dummy in half to drive it home from Northamptonshire. When he got a flat en route, he removed the upper half from his car trunk – and then forgot to put it back after changing the tire.

Now all he has is a Ringo dummy that’s half the man it used to be.