US News


IT WAS the right thing to do – and it was a risky thing to do.

There was no better way for President Bush to show a commander in chief’s support for his troops than to put himself at risk and fly to Iraq, knowing full well that he’s the No. 1 target for Saddam Hussein’s thugs.

Bush’s top-secret morale mission was also a boost for the Iraqi Governing Council – in Baghdad the president met with four council members as well as Baghdad’s mayor and City Council – and a firm message that America will stay the course.

The image of Bush, smiling almost shyly as troops cheered and whooped to greet him, will be one of the iconic images of Bush as America’s war leader.

It will join the May 1 image of his carrier landing and the post 9/11 image of him at Ground Zero, standing defiant on a crumpled firetruck, as defining moments of his presidency.

Democrats may mock the May 1 image of Bush, crisp in his flight suit as he strutted around the carrier deck: 2004 presidential wannabe John Kerry has even used it in TV campaign ads to belittle the president.

But it will be a lot harder for anyone to mock Bush’s trip to Iraq with his plane blacked-out for fear Saddam’s thugs would try to bring it down – just as they nearly brought down a DHL cargo plane last weekend.

“This is probably the best moment of his presidency,” said a Democratic activist backing one of the men who wants Bush’s job.

“Even if you don’t like the guy, you’ve got to give him credit. It took guts. He could have been killed.”

The trip underscores Bush’s personal taste for taking risks – day trips to Baghdad and carrier landings can quickly go wrong.