US News


Voters are so alienated from Mayor Bloomberg that most don’t even want to sit down to Thanksgiving dinner with him, according to a new poll.

Only 36 percent of those questioned wanted to spend the holiday with the mayor – while 61 percent said no thanks – the Quinnipiac University survey shows.

Pollster Maurice Carroll said the question isn’t frivolous.

“It shows people feel distant from the mayor,” Carroll said. “It means they don’t relate to him.”

Bloomberg fared better last May, when voters were asked if they thought he would be a fun dinner date: 40 percent said he would; 46 percent thought not.

By all accounts, Bloomberg is a charming and engaging host.

In fact, when he offered to dine with anyone who contributed $100,000 or more to Staten Island University Hospital, at least 11 well-heeled donors jumped at the chance to break bread at Hizzoner’s East Side townhouse last month.

The latest poll numbers hardly fazed the mayor.

“Well, that’s good,” he said when told of the results, “because I have plans with my family on Thursday, and while we have a big table and we always have lots of people, I don’t think we can have as many people as the other 40 percent that do [support me].

“I wish everybody has a great Thanksgiving.”