US News


Transit cops have nabbed subway scammers selling discounted rides in the shadow of a recently shuttered Brooklyn token booth.

In the past two weeks, cops have collared three men for swiping customers through the turnstile at the Fort Hamilton Parkway F-train station, using “rigged” MetroCards.

The card-swiping swindlers bend the MetroCard in a particular place, which confuses the turnstile’s computer into making the pass unlimited.

The subway swindlers then sell discounted rides to straphangers for around a buck, cops said.

A police source said that such scams are becoming “a booming business” in stations where token booth clerks are no longer watching over the turnstiles.

“This is the chickens coming home to roost with the token booth closures,” said Councilman Bill de Blasio (D-Brooklyn). “I thought they should put the booths back before [the scams] but this is proof positive.”

The Transit Authority did not return calls.