US News


Accused child molester Michael Jackson remained out of sight in Las Vegas yesterday as pressure mounted on authorities to take away the bizarro pop star’s three kids in the wake of the scandalous allegations.

Wacko Jacko, 45, is believed to be holed up in the $3,700-a-night presidential suite at the Green Valley Ranch hotel-casino in a suburb of Las Vegas, where the performer has been shooting a music video.

Jackson’s spokesman, Stuart Backerman, said the kooky King of Pop is singing a happy song, despite being charged with molesting a 12-year-old cancer-stricken boy at his Neverland Ranch.

“He’s doing great. He’s doing fine,” said Backerman.

“He’s fighting mad and is getting on with everyday activities.”

Meantime, feisty feminist L.A. lawyer Gloria Allred vowed to ask authorities to take custody of Jackson’s kids, Prince Michael, Paris Kathleen and Prince Michael II.

But Michael Dean, deputy director of Santa Barbara County Social Services, declined comment on the case, citing confidentiality rules.

Also yesterday, the Gloved One’s seething sibling, Jermaine Jackson, vented his anger for a second straight day, calling the allegations “a big fat lie.”

He said the kid-sex rap charges leveled against Jacko are part of a racially motivated extortion plot – and that the entire Jackson clan is rallying around him.

“If you handcuff my brother, you handcuff the whole family,” Jermaine said last night on ABC’s “20/20.”

Jermaine added: “They’re a bunch of racist rednecks out there who don’t care about people.”

Jackson’s surrender to Santa Barbara cops on Thursday was theater of the absurd.

After flying in from Vegas, the modern-day Peter Pan – appearing frail and frightened – was led into the jail in handcuffs.

After emerging about 45 minutes later, Jacko blew kisses, waved and flashed a peace sign before hopping into a limousine for the airport, where he boarded his leased jet and beat it back to Vegas.

Meanwhile, Jackson’s personal videographer, Hamid Moslehi, said yesterday police seized videotapes from his L.A. home in their search for evidence in the Jackson case.

Moslehi told The Post cops seized several videotapes as well as photographs and computer equipment.

Jackson is no stranger to kid-sex allegations. In 1993, a 13-year-old boy alleged the entertainer molested him during sleepovers at Neverland.

But criminal charges were never filed because the teen clammed up after Jackson paid the family off.